Download European War 5: Empire v1.0.7 Hack Mod Full For Android Apk Terbaru
Download European War 5 : Empire Apk Terbaru | : Halo selamat sore good people, selamat malam buat pecinta Game Android di seluruh penjuru dunia khususnya buat kalian yang suka dengan Game yang bergenre Strategy, kali ini admin meirasoft akan membagikan Game Strategy Mod for android yang saat ini lagi banyak dimainkan oleh Gamer android di dunia, sebenarnya Game ini adalah Game premium, dimana jika kalian ingin memainkannya kalian harus membayar terlebih dahulu, tapi di meirasoft kalian bisa mendapatkannya secara Free atau Gratis.
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------------------【Empire Mode】------------------
Commander! You are about to build a great empire
*** Your empire will experience 6 ages and explore 2000 years of history
*** As the empire expands, there are a variety of tasks to be explored
*** Seize the cities of the enemy and collect resources to build your own
*** Hire generals in the tavern and pursue beautiful princesses from different countries
*** Trade in the market, defend the frontier, and defeat the invading generals
*** Collect all sorts of materials and grow your empire to a new age
------------------【Battle Mode】------------------
*** Fight 150 great battles and experience 6 ages including the Classical Age, the Medieval Age, the Empire Age, the Discovery Age, the Gunpowder Age and the Industrial Age.
*** Follow the conquering journeys of great kings such as Alexander, Genghis Khan, Caesar, and Barbarossa
------------------【World Conquest】------------------
*** Conquer the world in 6 ages
*** Exercise your power to develop economy, declare wars or establish diplomatic relations with other countries
*** Meet various influential events during your conquering journey
*** Upgrade the age and recruit different armies and generals
*** Princesses have different talents, they will promote the development of the empire
*** Show your diplomatic skills form an alliance, declare wars or stay neutral
System Required:
- OS : Android 4.0.3 and Up
- File Size : 79,4 MB
- GooglePlay
What's New:
1. Add support for arm64-v8a and x86 devices.
2. Fix a issue that crash when devices not include google firebase, like Android KitKate(API Level 19)
3. Fix issues that cased memory overflow.
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