Crashlands v 1.2.3 Apk Free Download

Download Crashlands Apk Free | : Selamat Sore good people ketemu lagi bersama meirasoft, Tempat download game android mod terbaru, Apa pun gamenya pasti harus sudah dimodifikasi(mod) dong. Penasaran game apa yang akan diposting oleh admin pada kesempatan kali ini kan. Yup kali ini admin akan membagikan game bergenre Adventure alias petualangan, permainan yang admin bagikan adalah Crashlands Apk Laster Version. game yang baru saja diterbitkan di Play Store ini telah sukses menarik perhatian pengguna android lo gaess. Penasaran Seperti apa game Crashlands Apk Hacked Free Download. Yuk ikutin ulasan admin tentang game ini.

Crashlands APK+DATA | adalah game yang baru saja dirilis oleh perusahaan developer game bernama Butterscotch Shenanigans, game bergenre Adventure dan Action ini memiliki gameplay yang unik dan klasik loh gaes. Di ciptakan dengan gameplay semi 3D ini akan membawa anda bernostalgia pada game era 2006. Crashlands Unlocked All Weapon bercerita tentang pulau yang mengalami masalah sehingga terjadi peperangan di sebuah pulau tersebut. Kalian akan berperang sebagai seorang robot yang hampir mirip dengan Iron man yang akan melindungi pulau tersebut dari kekacauan yang ditimbulkan akibat peperangan. Penasaran ya gaes seperti apa gamenya.

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Fitur :

  • Expansive Crafting System
    Unlock over 500 craftable items as you explore the world and learn its secrets!
  • Self-managing, Infinite Inventory
    In Crashlands, your inventory is infinite, manages itself, and retrieves your tools when you need them, so you can focus on adventuring, questing, and building. You'll never have dig through your bag or return to your base to free up inventory space!
  • RPG-Style Character Progression
    Become more powerful through creating ever-more-amazing items! As you grow in power, you can venture to new regions of the world, meet strange characters, discover new stories, and encounter new and interesting enemies.
  • Skill-Based Combat 
    Learn the attacks of the enemies you encounter, and use your skill, agility, and wits to defeat them! You can even augment your fighting prowess with the power of the dozens of gadgets you can craft. Set your enemies on fire, stun them, slow down time, and more!
  • Intuitive Base Building
    Building a base in Crashlands is so simple it feels like fingerpainting. You can create beautiful, sprawling bases in minutes!
  • Tameable Creatures
    Every creature in Crashlands can become a trusty combat sidekick. Find an egg, incubate it, and hatch your very own adorable or hideous bundle of joy. You can even craft special items to grow and empower them!
  • Huge World... with Huge Problems
    Four sentient races, three continents, an epic bid for the future of the planet, and you - trapped in the middle, trying to deliver your freakin' packages. Take your time to dive into the sidestories of the characters you meet or just rush headlong into making that special delivery. With hundreds upon hundreds of quests, there's a lot to do and discover on planet Woanope!
  • Crossplatforminess
    Just because your battery died, doesn't mean your fun has to die with it. You can transfer your Crashlands save to any other device you own Crashlands on. It has true cross-platform support!

Screenshots :

Crashlands v 1.2.3 Apk Free Download

Crashlands v 1.2.3 Apk Free Download

Crashlands v 1.2.3 Apk Free Download

Crashlands v 1.2.3 Apk Free Download

System Required :

  • OS : Android 4.1 And Up
  • Ram Min : 1GB
  • File Size : 61 Mb
  • Online
  • Version : 1.2.3
  • GooglePlay (Berbayar)

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