FIFA 16 Ultimate Team v 3.2.113645 Mod Apk (Patched / Working on all devices)

Download FIFA Ultimate Team Mod Apk : Selamat malam good people, satu lagi nih gaes Game Android Mod Apk Terbaru yang super seru yang harus kalian mainkan, Game Football For Android ini lagi banyak diperbincangkan dikalangan kaum adam. tau sendiri kan? para kaum adam suka banget nih sama yang berbau sepak bola, bahkan istri anak dilupakan gara - gara nonton bola, Mod Apk FIFA 2016 Unlocked Mobile ini begitu nyata, kita akan dihadapkan dengan pertandingan sepak bola yang real. penasaran dengan serunya? simak dulu ulasan admin berikut ini.

FIFA Ultimate Team Mod  : Game Football for android memang banyak diburu oleh Gamer android, karena game ini mampu menjadi mood booster paling mujarab bagi kaum adam, dimana ada pertandingan bola disitulah kaum adam berkumpul, FIFA Ultimate Team for Gingerbread merupakan pertandingan sepak bola international yang banyak digemari oleh banyak kalangan baik muda atau tua, baik cewek atau cowok, Nah buat kalian yang sakau tergadap Game sepak bola, langsung saja deha cobain FIFA Ultimate Team 16 for Android Apk Terbaru yang satu ini dijamin bakal ketagihan. Buruan download FIFA Ultimate Team 16 Mod for Jelly Bean dan mainkan game ini di HP kalian sepuasnya.

FIFA Ultimate Team 16 Update | kalian dapat memainkan game ini dengan keadaan team - team sekarang, jadi tak perlu khawatir, FIFA 16 Soccer Android ini sudah disetting mengikuti bursa transfer pemain - pemain pada tahun 2017. Tak perlu khawatir lagi toh pemain andalan kalian masih ada di klub sebelah. Kalian dapat memainkan FIFA 16 Soccer pada perangkat android tanpa mengenal apa itu jenis Android kalian loh gaes Buruan deh rasain game yang satu ini dijamin ketagihan deh.


    Get ready for better skill moves, more exciting goals, more responsive controls, smarter teammates, and improved animations as you play the match. Plus, now it’s even easier to play like a pro with Enhanced Hybrid Controls that let you use Gestures or Buttons to control the ball. Gain improved offside awareness and more with Attacking Intelligence, then blow past defenders with ease. Alternatively choose to simulate matches, taking the manager position on the side of the pitch. Also, for the first time on mobile, you can trigger unique player celebrations on the pitch after you score!
    Now trade players and items you no longer need for a chance of unlocking something better. The higher value items or players you trade, the better the upgrades you’ll get back!
    Choose from over 10,000 players from over 500 licensed teams and go to battle against other players from real leagues in real arenas from around the world. Recreate challenges from current live-event football matches, too, with Dynamic Accomplishments.
    Want to show off your skills on the pitch like never before? Choose your daily challenge from shooting, ground passing, and dribbling to crossing, penalties, and more. Then, pick the right player and beat the challenge to earn rewards!
    Earn, trade, and transfer superstars like Lionel Messi, Jordan Henderson, and Juan Cuadrado to create your own fantasy team. Choose your play style, formation, kits, and more, then balance player chemistry for the strongest squad compositions.

Screenshot :

 FIFA 16 Ultimate Team v 3.2.113645 Mod Apk  (Patched / Working on all devices)

 FIFA 16 Ultimate Team v 3.2.113645 Mod Apk  (Patched / Working on all devices)

 FIFA 16 Ultimate Team v 3.2.113645 Mod Apk  (Patched / Working on all devices)

 FIFA 16 Ultimate Team v 3.2.113645 Mod Apk  (Patched / Working on all devices)

 FIFA 16 Ultimate Team v 3.2.113645 Mod Apk  (Patched / Working on all devices)

Game Information :

  • Nama : FIFA 16 Ultimate Team
  • File : Apk 30MB || Data 1,3 GB
  • Version : 3.2.113645
  • Mode : Offline
  • OS : Android 4.0
  • Google Play

Link Download 

Download Data FIFA 16 Ultimate Team 

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