Download Kung Fu Do Fighting v4.4 Mod Apk Update Terbaru 2017

Download Kung Fu Do Fighting Mod Apk 2017 | : Halo selamat siang good people, selamat siang untuk semua sahabat meirasoft dimanapun anda berada, jumpa lagi dengan meirasoft, kali ini admin akan membagikan Game Action for android yang akan membawa kita bernostalgia pada permainan tahun 90-an yang saat ini masih populer dan melegenda, Kung Fu Do Fighting Apk yang merupakan permainan nintendo yang sudah di porting ke android sehingga kita bisa memainkannya di android tanpa melalui emulator apapun, Game ini sangat melegenda pada tahun 90-an dan hanya bisa dimainkan di Nintendo, masih ingatkah dengan keseruannya?

Kung Fu Do Fighting Mod Versi terbaru ini merupakan Game Nintendo atau PS 2 yang cukup populer hingga saat ini, seiring berjalannya waktu Game ini dimodifikasi oleh para developer sehingga bisa dimainkan di smartphone android/iOS, dalam game ini kita akan mengendalikan satu karakter yang akan melawan karakter lainnya, control dari Game Kung Fu Do Fighting for android cukup gampang kok gaess, tinggal touch and tap maka pertarungan dimulai, buat kalian yang penasaran dengan serunya Game Kung Fu Do Fighting Full Unlock ini langsung aja deh download sekarang juga.


Kung Fu Do Fighting, is the action game of fighting. The world's largest fighting contest is started! No ranking, no rules, only dead or alive! Now, a new powerful character appears. The typhoon devil is a NINJA master from Japan and he swears to beat everyone soon. The other contestants include the peerless master of Taekwondo 10 paragraphs, the Mauy Thai Hurricane Death, the Dark Boxing King, the Vicious Beauty Killer and the President X with mysterious assassination skill. Each one for survival and honor must start the toughest fighting. Who is the strongest fighter on the earth?
This action game includes two play modes:
Tournament mode:The player selects own character at first and then enemy appears in random. It is a three point match. The first competitor to score two points therefore wins the match. If there is a draw (both life value is 0), the round will play again.
Survival mode:The player chooses own character at first. The enemy character will be decided randomly. There are no end in a winning game set. The winner's each play will not stop, round and round.


Game Kung Fu Do Fighting For Android

Game Kung Fu Do Fighting For Android

Kung Fu Do Fighting Mod For Android

Kung Fu Do Fighting Mod For Android

System Required:

  • OS : Android 2.3.2 and Up
  • File Size : 8.1 MB
  • Genre : Action / Arcade
  • File Type : Apk

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