Fire Emblem Heroes v 1.0.2 Mod Apk (Unlocked)

Download Fire Emblem Heroes Mod Apk | : Selamat Malam Good People dan dimanapun kalian berada para readers meira yang masih setia membaca artikel - artike yang admin bagikan dan admin berharap kalian baik - baik saja. Ketemu lagi ni sama meirasoft, pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan game keluaran terbaru yang dirilis oleh Nitendo. Setelah sukses dengan game yang booming pada tahun lalu yaitu Pokemon GO kali ini Nitendo merilis Game Mini RPG yang baru, Game ini Bernama Fire Emblem Heroes Apk Download. Game yang baru saja dirilis ini sukses menyihir pecinta game android RPG terutama yang bertema game Anime. Fire Emblem Heroes Apk telah sukses di download dan dimainkan oleh ribuan pemainnya di dunia. Buat kalian yang penasaran tentang game Fire Emblem Heroes Berikut ulasan lebih lanjutnya.

Fire Emblem Heroes Hacked Damage | adalah game RPG keluaran Terbaru Nitendo yang akan menemani kalian merasakan serunya sensasi berpetualang di dunia Epic RPG. Fire Emblem Heroes Cheat dikemas dalam game RPG yang sangat epic dan unique layaknya game - game pada era awal tahun mellenium ke-2 yang membuat kalian bisa bernostalgia. Tapi jangan kecewa dulu grafik dan design karakter yang dikeluarkannya dirancang dengan sangat modern dan soft sehingga kalian tidak akan bosan untuk memainkan Fire Emblem Heroes Mod. dalam game ini kalian akan menggerakan 2 karakter lebih. cara bermainnya tak jauh beda dengan game Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia, cuman game ini dikemas dalam skala kecil agar user yang memainkannya ringan dijalankan di HP - HP yang minim spektifikasiknya. nah Buat kalian yang tidak sabar ingin memainkan game Fire Emblem Heroes Apk for Android Buruan Download dan mainkan gamenya pasti ketagihan dah.

Fitur :

  • An epic quest
  • A world with two kingdoms: the Emblian Empire, which wishes to rule all worlds, and the Askran Kingdom, which stands in its way.
  • You are a summoner with the special ability to call upon legendary Heroes from different Fire Emblem worlds. In order to save the Kingdom of Askr from destruction, join the Order of Heroes and face a never-ending challenge.
  • Intense battles
  • Take part in strategic turn-based battles streamlined for on-the-go play with maps that fit in the palm of your hand! You'll need to think hard about the advantages and disadvantages of each Hero's weapon—and even evaluate the map itself as you battle. Lead your army with easy touch and drag controls, including the ability to attack by simply swiping an ally over an enemy.
  • Original characters meet legendary Heroes
  • The game features numerous Hero characters from the Fire Emblem series and a few brand-new Heroes created by artist Yusuke Kozaki, known for his work on Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates. Some Heroes will fight at your side as allies, while others may stand in your way as fierce enemies to be defeated and added to your army.
  • Many modes let you play again and again 
  • In addition to the main story, there are many other modes where you can strengthen your allies, compete against other players, and more. Also, free and timely updates will continue to add new Hero characters, content, and other surprises to keep you engrossed with hours of additional gameplay.
  • Story Maps: The story brings together new Hero characters along with familiar faces from the Fire Emblem series. Lead your army to victory to save the Kingdom of Askr.
  • Training Tower: Engage in battle scenarios of varying difficulty that you can play over and over to earn rewards and experience (EXP) for your allies. Each time you take on these maps, the enemies and terrain change to offer a new challenge.
  • Arena Duels: Fight against your rivals around the world. Your high score and ranking will determine your rewards—items that can increase your Heroes' abilities.
  • Hero Battles: Under Special Maps, discover various battle scenarios that are available for a limited time. Defeat the Heroes who oppose you to convince them to join you as an ally.

Screenshot :

Fire Emblem Heroes v 1.0.2 Mod Apk (Unlocked)

Fire Emblem Heroes v 1.0.2 Mod Apk (Unlocked)

Fire Emblem Heroes v 1.0.2 Mod Apk (Unlocked)

Fire Emblem Heroes v 1.0.2 Mod Apk (Unlocked)

Game Information :

  • Nama : Fire Emblem Heroes
  • File Size : 48 mb 
  • Version : 1.0.2
  • OS : Android 4.2 and up
  • Mode : Online
  • Google Play

Link Download : 

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